Hydranger (hydranger arborescens), bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), marshmallow (althea officinalis), horsetail (equisitum officinalis), yarrow (achilia milliflorum), cramp bark (vibernum oppulus).
Hydranger (Hydranger arborescens):
A traditional remedy for urinary calculi, and other urinary tract discomforts.
Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi):
A renowned urinary antiseptic, specifically indicated for acute urinary tract discomforts.
Marshmallow (Althea officinalis):
The soothing, healing, demulcent properties of Marshmallow, make it one natures best remedies for all types of inflammation and irritation. Traditionally indicated for urinary tract problems
Horsetail (Equisitum officinalis):
Traditionally used for urinary tract disorders due to its soothing healing action. Rich in silica which aids tissue repair and helps to preserve the elasticity of connective tissue. .
Yarrow (Achilia milliflorum):
Diuretic and urinary antiseptic. Promotes perspiration, thus, reducing fevers. Traditionally used in any mix for urinary and kidney disorder.
Cramp Bark (Vibernum oppulus):
A good muscle relaxant aiding the spasms associated with urinary calculi and bladder problems.
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