Canagan Free Run Chicken Dry Dog Food is a grain-free dog food, expertly crafted with free-range chicken and specially selected vegetables and botanicals to match your dog’s ancestral diet, with the ideal ratio of protein to carbohydrate.
The whole Canagan range has been expertly crafted to match your dog’s ancestral diet. The ideal balance of meat with the correct ratio of animal ingredients and specially selected vegetables and botanicals.
Freshly prepared free-range chicken (26%), dried chicken (25%), sweet potato, peas, potato, chicken fat (4%), alfalfa, dried egg (3%), chicken gravy (1%), salmon oil (1%), minerals, glucosamine (1,000 mg/kg), MSM (1,000 mg/kg), apple, carrot, spinach, psyllium, seaweed, fructooligosaccharides, chondroitin sulphate (700 mg/kg), camomile, peppermint, marigold, cranberry, aniseed & fenugreek.
Nutritional additives (per kg)
Vitamin A 16,230 IU, Vitamin D3 1,980 IU, Vitamin E 240 IU, Taurine 1,500 mg, Iron (Iron (II) Sulphate Monohydrate) 192 mg, Zinc (Zinc Sulphate Monohydrate) 144 mg, Manganese (Manganous Sulphate Monohydrate) 45 mg, Copper (Copper (II) Sulphate Pentahydrate) 14 mg, Iodine (Calcium Iodate Anhydrous) 1.9 mg, Selenium (Sodium Selenite) 0.2 mg.
Analytical constituents
- Protein 32%
- Fat 17%
- Fibre 3.5%
- Ash 10%
- Moisture 8%
- Omega 6 3%
- Omega 3 0.7%
- Calcium 1.9%
- Phosphorus 1.4%
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